Friday, February 4, 2011 at 9:09PM
CDs for all day play: my personal favorite -
Johannes Linstead
Sweet, rhythmic, upbeat and passionate Latin guitar. And his live performances are magical. I've attended 3 of his concerts over the years. Some of his CDs:
- Mistico (2009) #1 on World Music and Jazz/Blues charts; winner of "Best World Album" and "Best Instrumental Album - Acoustic"
- Encanto (2007) ranked #6 on Billboard's New Age Chart, nominated "Best Latin Album."
- Cafe Tropical (2006) ranked #4 on Billboard's New Age chart, #1 on World Music chart, winner "Best Music" from Best Magazine, JUNO nominated for "Best Instrumental Album".
- Mediterranea (2004), ranked in the Top Ten on Billboard's New Age chart, reaching the #6 position and won "Best World Album" from NAR.
- Zabuca (2003), ranked Top Ten, and charted for 34 weeks.
- Guitarra del Fuego (2002) was named "Best Contemporary World Album," charting on Billboard for 36 weeks.
- Kiss the Earth (2000)
- Sol Luna Tierra (1999)
Order CDs and check concert schedule at:
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