Entries in oil prices (1)


Oil, Sex and War (March 2008)

The past, present and future of energy and how it will effect our lives (and sex lives).  Hint:  it’s not looking good, except maybe for folks who like to cuddle in front of a roaring fire (stoked with their furniture, books, and worthless paper currency).

Excerpt:  "...Now I advertised that this lecture would include stuff about sex, war and oil.  I can claim expertise in only one of these subjects, but have a strong working knowledge of the other two.  There’s always so much more to learn.  Are the three subjects interconnected?  Interwoven is probably a better description.  Over the next hour, I’ll point out some of those entanglements.

I’ll start with a brief history of oil and energy.  That leads right to the history of war, because all ideology aside, the aristocrats, oligarchs, plutocrats, and tycoons who run the world, and have for hundreds of years, only cared about power.  Power is energy manifest; and energy for the last hundred plus years means oil.  And a single truism underscores the resulting geopolitick:  Why pay for oil if you can steal it?"


All lectures are available free of charge as a pdf downloads. 

Contact at odd-words@hotmail.com


Lecture first presented in the Whiting Theatre at the Center for the Arts in Homer, NY